En arbetssko på gummimattor

Workplace mats

Sunnex ERGO is an ergonomic workstation mat manufactured with a special mixture of nitrile rubber, designed to reduce stress in your back, hips, legs and feet. The elasticity of the nitrile rubber in combination with the air cushion principle provides comfortable and ergonomic stress relief.

Ergonomic mats for industry & service providers


The mat has extremely good resistance to wear as well as preventing objects being wedged into the mat. Sunnex ERGO has state of the art durability preferences against commonly occurring oils, chemicals and cleaning agents which makes the mat perfect for service providers and industry conditions.


The high friction properties secure it from movement, reducing the risk of slipping. The incorporated sloping outer edge of the Sunnex ERGO gives a smooth transition from floor to mat, i.e. easy to run over with a pallet loader, and prevent stumbling on the edge of the mat.


The flexible and unique construction system means that Sunnex ERGO easily can be assembled to the desired size and layout. No tools are needed and each section is fastened together using the incorporated Sunnex SUR-LOK™ click system. Sunnex ERGO can easily be cut using a sharp pair of scissors to fit your specific needs, e.g. around a table leg.


Just-in-time manufacturing decreases over-production, energy consumption and unnecessary waste. Sustainability at its best!
We are certified according to ISO9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015 with manufacturing based on Lean production principles.

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