
Machine mounts

Sunnex develops, manufactures and deliver a professional range of high-quality machine mounts for the global market. We’ve done this for more than 50 years. Anti-vibration, levelling and sound reducing machine mounts prevent vibrations from spreading and ensure that the equipment is aflat on uneven surfaces.

Simple but Genius Design

The solution to vibration issues can primarily be found in the specialized anti-vibration rubber which supresses the vibrations, stabilizes the machine and reduces noise.

Machine mount are based on a simple but genius design with three components that work together:

  • A bolt that anchors the foot to the machine and adjusts the level to the floor surface, so that the machine is always aflat.
  • A pressure plate that distributes the force from the machine vibrations into the rubber. Pressure plates come in a variety of different materials.
  • The vibration reducing rubber which ensures that the vibrations of the machine won’t spread to the surface underneath.

Variations of the three main components ensures that our offer is as extensive as it needs to be.

An Extensive Selection to Meet All Needs

The choice of machine mounts is made based on the weight of the machine/equipment and the pressure load it causes.

Machine mounts with a chassis of cast iron can handle extreme loads and is most suitable for particularly harsh vibrations from for example injection molding machines, crushing and punching machines. Examples of product families with cast iron include MHD and SM.

Machine mounts with a chassis of steel are the most common type of machine mounts and come in a variety of sizes and thickness levels for the rubber. They are used on anything from small pumps and compressors to large injection molding machines, presses and other machines based on the model and size. Examples of product families include LLM, AM and the OSM-series.

Machine mounts of the wedge shoe model is only used for levelling and can be placed anywhere under the machine as it’s not bolted to the machine. Wedge shoes can be adjusted in steps within their adjustment interval. They’re used for levelling mid to heavy machinery in plastic, workshops and graphics, among other areas. An example of a product family is WM.

Cushions and pads come in a variety of sizes and stiffness. The pads are easy to install and will provide a quick vibration and sound dampening solution.

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