What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that a website you visit will save on your computer. Cookies are used by many sites to give the visitor access to various features. The information stored in the cookie can be used to follow the trends of a user within the specific website.

There are two types of cookies. The first stores a file for a longer time on your computer. This file is used for features that reveal what is new since the last time the visitor was on the website in question. The second type of cookie is called a session cookie. For the duration that you are on a specific website, this cookie is temporarily stored on your computer, for example to remember which language you have selected. Session cookies are not stored for longer on your computer, and are deleted when you close your web browser.

The Swedish Post & Telecom Authorities have information and FAQ’s on cookies in Swedish and English.

We use cookies!

On this website we use cookies to make your visit more convenient, and to give you access to various features and types of information.

We also use third party cookies

We use the service Google Remarketing to route remarketing ads in Google Display Network (GDN) based on data from Google Analytics, or to identify the age and gender of our visitors.

Google Analytics

The statistics tool Google Analytics places a cookie on your computer to collect information about how you use our website. We use this information to see what content is most popular and to improve our site. The cookie of this statistics tool does not contain any information about who you are. We can’t identify you or your computer.

If you would like to learn more you can read the privacy policy of Google, which describes how your data is used by Google: www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/.

About giving or withdrawing your consent

If your web browser is set to allow cookies you have given us your consent to place cookies on your computer. You can withdraw your consent by changing the settings in your web browser.

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